Here we collect these lists of Best, Cool, Badass Orc Names, DND Orc Names, and Orc Names 5E. So before jumping into the names sections, let’s talk about Orc.
Orc is a fictional humanoid creature. They are green skin, a muscular body, a hatred nature. The concept of Orc created by J.R.R Tolkien. But they also found on various pre-existing mythology. The Orc is a generally brutish, aggressive, repulsive, malevolent race and serving an evil power.
The concept of Orc has been adapted in many fantasy fiction. They are modified and introduce in many fantasy stories and many role play and strategy games like Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, and Warcraft.
So oftentimes Orc Names are short, harsher tone and reflect their brutish nature. If you need Orc Names for your fantasy world then you can find some names from these lists. You can also use these names as inspiration for your own unique orc name.
So if you are looking for Orc Names, DND Orc Names, Orc Names 5E, and Male & Female Orc Names then you are in the right place. Here we collect some Best, Cool, Badass, Famous Orc Names.
So let’s dive into it.
Orc Names
These are Orc Names. You can easily pick a name from this collection or you can also use these names as inspiration for your own unique orc name.
Nazlug | Shandalar | Brublug |
Wazgut | Nazgrub | Morgut |
Noogugh | Gaelug | Rotgrim |
Thereng | Grumstuf | Jughog |
Nargog | Therona | Nazzod |
Omogulg | Daenez | Dakagrod |
Trandbad | Wurgoth | Grotshak |
Grumgor | Hacathra | Blythnog |
Ditgurat | Brubgrod | Ronkros |
Mugdul | Naffurty | Brubgob |
Wortsnaga | Raghat | Urmbad |
Brubwort | Gobbog | Oogorim |
Tornog | Snagathug | Kharzug |
Rathnez | Mekskab | Sharamph |
Buzum | Zogstuf | Gaarbad |
Ulumpha | Waafang | Throdrok |
Zunuguk | Waadhel | Badsnik |
Numhug | Namgul | Skarsnaga |
Male Orc Names
In this section, We collect these Male Orc Names. So check out.
Skabgrim | Kegigoth | Aeson |
Duffthug | Waruk | Pargu |
Thokgrim | Gorlug | Orknack |
Kurmbag | Gollik | Mekbag |
Murbag | Naznob | Ronkros |
Sharkub | Badsnik | Grukag |
Rotstuf | Snaglak | Dakagrot |
Xarlug | Zogstuf | Mekskab |
Jorgagu | Grotwort | Rotgrim |
Heddrak | Wudugog | Mekskab |
Rokblorggor | Skabthug | Throdrok |
Poogugh | Ugskab | Skargob |
Zurgug | Grotshak | Bruigig |
Mekbad | Grimfang | Ulumpha |
Sniknob | Dakagrod | Lamgugh |
Gubdagog | Snagagor | Grumgor |
Female Orc Names
These are Female Orc Names.
Nazsnaga | Zaltarish | Grumstuf |
Trandbad | Nazarg | Gwenog |
Skarstuf | Reyzbad | Fraeya |
Nobfang | Nubshak | Gluronk |
Skarsnaga | Raegel | Grumshak |
Namez | Nazgul | Wortshak |
Nargol | Nubshak | Chichlandra |
Purtguz | Buzum | Hacathra |
Wazfang | Vaegon | Brubwort |
Aelbog | Snikbog | Ghorza |
Waawort | Durgat | Mekslag |
Rogmesh | Gobgul | Kharzug |
Bulak | Gaelnog | Glasha |
Gluronk | Sharamph | Alaiszag |
Waafang | Garakh | Urzul |
Bula | Ravabad | Mekarg |
Famous Orc Names
If you are looking for some famous orc names then you are in the right place. This is the collection of Famous Orc Names.
Liaxnog | Dregbad | Grumgor |
Zogwort | Mekslag | Duzharac |
Morog | Cukgilug | Dakagrot |
Durrot | Celeborn | Ugdumph |
Grotwort | Glornag | Daeondra |
Wazgut | Skabthug | Ugskab |
Glornag | Rotgrim | Sugbu |
Nesterin | Gaerradh | Sudryl |
Grimfang | Wuglat | Zogwort |
Nobork | Ulumpha | Filvendor |
Nubshak | Grotnob | Yambul |
Sugbu | Skabgrim | Gutgrim |
Ditgurat | Wortgob | Adrog |
Grotshak | Nazlug | Durzod |
Badass Orc Names
These are some Badass Orc Names. So check out.
Lugdum | Mugdul | Zalthu |
Dakagrod | Snikgrub | Morgut |
Elenoss | Zoguz | Oggor |
Erlarunt | Ronkros | Grimfang |
Zaltarish | Grumgor | Mekbag |
Brubzod | Durgat | Skabthug |
Nubbog | Rotstuf | Dakagrot |
Skabthug | Zoggor | Nazsnaga |
Dilug | Heddrak | Snikuz |
Dakath | Keerla | Urtygul |
Bugsel | Rotstuf | Snikgut |
Nubbog | Sahgigoth | Hortog |
Nesterin | Durrot | Mekbag |
Snikgut | Grumgor | Orgha |
Orc Names 5E
These are Orc Names 5E.
Conrunt | Nazfug | Odbosh |
Nestbog | Raunaeril | Yazgash |
Daeondra | Violenog | Mugork |
Bulfim | Brubwort | Uldaugh |
Ghagzil | Connak | Shagdub |
Axilia | Nazsnaga | Nevarth |
Uzrokh | Auggaudh | Gilbad |
Snaabog | Tehlnez | Podagog |
Mekgob | Nubshak | Rathnog |
Acrirg | Magnob | Llamryl |
Borgakh | Mekstuf | Celenog |
Brogzagh | Numhug | Uzshak |
Murob | Toross | Durrunt |
Grumshak | Grauthri | Herbog |
Slaugh | Snikbog | Phaerl |
Glugka | Jughragh | Elbauthin |
Dnd/D&D Orc Names
If you are searching for Orc Names For DND/D&D. Then this list is for you. So check out these Dnd Orc Names.
Dalyor | Raebog | Skarstuf |
Sulmthu | Sharamph | Suthro |
Mugskab | Gracrauc | Nobfang |
Lishne | Akrunt | Jokgagu |
Skarsnaga | Calez | Conall |
Zunuguk | Galeguz | Filvnog |
Nazarg | Bashuk | Ashnul |
Uthorim | Kurdan | Waafang |
Skarbog | Agridh | Vrothu |
Filvendor | Gashnakh | Gilgalad |
Nazgrub | Montagor | Jughog |
Urmicca | Mekbag | Hortog |
Halanaga | Ozgaul | Naffurty |
Oddot | Ulumpha | Wazfang |
Unrugagh | Waznob | Cregesh |
Magslag | Sahgigoth | Nesterin |
Orc Names Skyrim
These are Ocr Names Skyrim.
Rokblorggor | Sharamph | Ronkros |
Shurkul | Ushug | Podagog |
Urzul | Surgha | Rogmesh |
Morgut | Kharzug | Sudryl |
Gharol | Speghat | Murbol |
Urtydreg | Borba | Gobbog |
Bogdub | Nogugh | Ragash |
Grimskab | Gulfim | Virjeon |
Homraz | Isagubat | Bagrak |
Nazzod | Ghorza | Rotstuf |
Murbol | Oogorim | Umog |
Pahgorim | Agrob | Dakagrod |
Nazsnaga | Grimgrod | Skarbog |
Grimfang | Nubshak | Nobgob |
Best Orc Names
This is the best collection of Orc Names.
Rodagog | Akrunt | Skarstuf |
Elbereth | Darthstang | Brubwort |
Rokblorggor | Zogwort | Urtydreg |
Duffrunt | Portnog | Snikgog |
Uggug | Oghash | Grotwort |
Gaarbuck | Mekbag | Sniknob |
Waagob | Jughragh | Shagdub |
Rathiain | Elanjar | Rubrae |
Mabub | Snikgut | Zoggog |
Brokil | Gorlug | Adstang |
Glugka | Vaegon | Skargob |
Gobgul | Shadbak | Gaarnog |
Orknack | Nafflug | Nubshak |
Heddrak | Nogfang | Rodagog |
Wortrot | Staarnez | Erlathan |
Final Words
So we hope you find your Orc Name from these lists.
Which name have you chosen? Comment below.
Sharing is Caring. So share it with your friends so that they can find their Orc Names.
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