So here we collect these collections of Tabaxi Names, Male and Female Tabaxi Names, Tabaxi Clan Names, and D&D 5E Tabaxi Names also. But before jump into the names sections, let’s talk about Tabaxi.
Tabaxi are feline humanoids. They were 7 feet tall, slender, agile, and with a keen sense of smell. They look like a big cat but behave like humans, talks like humans and walks like humans. They have hairs all over the body with a long tale.
They have a strong curiosity and intelligent minds. Their tail and retractable claws make them good climbers, swimmers, runners, and exceptional hunters. They were very good at Stealth and surprise attacks.
They usually live in clans and homelands but some Tabaxi became adventurers and explorers. They travel incredibly far for knowledge, not for treasures. They find treasures and uncover the stories behind these treasures. They were very good at adapting to new locations even deep in a jungle or temporary habitats.
Tabaxi names are mostly tribal in nature. Their names based on many elements including astrology and the history of the individual’s clan. The Tabaxi have poetic and descriptive names like ‘Kite in the Wind’, ‘Radiant River’, ‘Thunder in the Morning’, ‘Drifting Cloud’ but these names often lead to short nicknames like Kite (Kite in the Wind), Radiant (Radiant River), Thunder(Thunder in the Morning), Cloud (Drifting Cloud). Their Clan Names are based on the location, interesting landscapes, specific natural phenomena, and much more.
Here are these Tabaxi Names, Male and Female Tabaxi Names, Tabaxi Clan Names, and D&D 5E Tabaxi Names also.
So let’s dive into it.
Tabaxi Names
These are some best collections of Tabaxi Names.
- Dangling Lace (Lace)
- Jewel of the Mountain (Jewel)
- Fresh Wonder (Fresh)
- Beats of a Heart (Beats)
- Hidden Treasure (Treasure)
- Ice in Summer (Ice)
- Wonder of the World (Wonder)
- Call of the Owl (Owl)
- Flickering Fire (Fire)
- Curious Silk (Curious)
- Silent Thrill (Silent)
- Austere Frog (Austere)
- Cadence of Water (Cadence)
- Fall of Water (Water)
- Hushed Breath (Breath)
- Answered Riddle (Riddle)
- True Clover (Clover)
- Flow of the River (Flow)
- Beauty of Summer (Summer)
- Gold Link (Gold)
- Sunshine at Night (Sunshine)
- Crescent Moon (Moon)
- Skirt of Snakes (Snake)
- Subtle River (Subtle)
- Hushed Block (Hushed)
- Hot Flame (Flame)
- Steady Rock (Rock)
- Ice on the Lake (Lake)
- Austere Robin (Robin)
- Flickering Flame (Flame)
- Busy Bee (Bee)
- Beauty of Summer (Summer)
- Guide of Life (Guide)
- Emerald String (String)
- Amused Candle (Candle)
- Little Stitch (Stitch)
- Seven Thundercloud (Thunder)
- Wing of an Angel (Angel)
Female Tabaxi Names
Here are Female Tabaxi Names.
- Humble Cover (Humble)
- Call of the Owl (Owl)
- Garden of Flowers (Flower)
- Blossoms in Summer (Blossom)
- Dust of Chalk (Dust)
- Tranquil Berry (Berry)
- Cloud on the Mountaintop (Cloud)
- Elite Piece (Elite)
- Fine Beetle (Beetle)
- Four-Leaf Clover (Clover)
- Wild Sparkle (Wild)
- Belly of a Beast (Beast)
- Cake of Chocolate (Cake)
- Tranquil Lace (Lace)
- Gentle Peak (Gentle)
- Lightning after Thunder (Lightening)
- Ancient Brush (Ancient)
- Hearty Snowflake (Hearty)
- Jolly Spark (Jolly)
- Leaping Frog (Frog)
- Bird Feather (Bird)
- End of Winter (Winter)
- Secret Riddle (Riddle)
- Active Flower (Flower)
- Defiant Wish (Defiant)
- Light Aspect (Aspect)
- Brave Light (Brave)
- Peak of Mountains (Peak)
- Arctic Boat (Boat)
- Climbing Claws (Claws)
Dnd /D&D Tabaxi Names
These are some Dnd/D&D Tabaxi Names.
Ohtli | Yuppp | Bhuliop |
Hikkima | Angelic Slopes | Soppka |
Enaooas | Coszcatl | Dinhia |
Noaousu | Ridya | Treosos |
Lwow | Druida | Itotia |
Topaps | Didpaps | Cuviil |
Nioso | Fkooio | Tyioppa |
Gjiooa | Grieving Wild | Sppspc |
Tupac | Bright | Auioa |
Opuiai | Pmaysy | Zyaudij |
Claws | Eruooa | Nuooaos |
Gikippa | Tulaass | Chioptl |
Dreiwooa | Chain | Necahual |
Syyia | Enoooo | Piiiws |
Roaring | Azxoo | Bibija |
Branch | Manauia | Vopap |
Ningal | Tiiopap | Cuhuua |
Guippa | Disaka | Nreis |
Tabaxi Clan Names
Here we collect these Tabaxi Clan Names.
- The Binding Fields Clan
- The Arctic Deserts Clan
- The Dark Cliffs Clan
- The Lush Coasts Clan
- The Adamant Lake Clan
- The Dry Glades Clan
- The Mountain Rain Clan
- The Faraway Coasts Clan
- The Exotic Caves Clan
- The Basking Shower Clan
- The Fading Desert Clan
- The Hushed Field Clan
- The Quiet Storm Clan
- The Adamant Mists Clan
- The Lone Woodlands Clan
- The Free Crags Clan
- The Adamant Caves Clan
- The Colorful Grotto Clan
- The Changing Mist Clan
- The Lasting Copse Clan
- The Fertile Wilds Clan
- The Lone Fjord Clan
- The Clear Torrent Clan
- The Awoken Desert Clan
- The Elder Thicket Clan
- The Noiseless Oasis Clan
- The Dual Peak Clan
- The Arctic Storm Clan
- The Dry Marsh Clan
- The Bleak Dune Clan
- The Cleansing Shore Clan
- The Growing Torrent Clan
- The Free Hail Clan
- The Broken Slopes Clan
- The Broken Storm Clan
- The Arctic RiverClan
- The Growing Torrent Clan
- The Noiseless Bogs Clan
- The Healing Reservoir Clan
- The Faraway Mists Clan
- The Meager Cavern Clan
- The Dreary Creeks Clan
- The Infinite Forest Clan
- The Gentle Caverns Clan
- The Lone Isles Clan
- The Bleak Grotto Clan
- The Elder Slopes Clan
- The Changing Isles Clan
- The Chilly Mesa Clan
Tabaxi 5E Names
Here we collect these Tabaxi 5E Names.
Hmauio | Amoxtli | Muaooa |
Ytatu | Qusop | Yrppas |
Hrefinloa | Illary | Kuioa |
Frtuii | Azxila | Dry Bush |
Readooa | Fikiopap | Qyuii |
Xipil | Helmitoma | Zmasp |
Pishoy | Egioo | Ureosdo |
Hopaps | Lone | Windy Shore |
Xuiaudio | Rkuys | Soueo |
Awisko | Crewsoas | Trailing |
Helmitoma | Grass | Zyppas |
Rivers | Reuios | Birdsong |
Ieranx | Lwwaod | Lwasp |
Enisuas | Wiasdo | Tochtlee |
Timber | Dreiwooa | Kowooa |
Euaoodo | Emerald | Spring Blossom |
Male Tabaxi Names
Here are these Male Tabaxi Names.
- Emerald Tree (Tree)
- Rope in a Knot (Knot)
- Edge of the World (Edge)
- Mirror’s Reflection (Mirror)
- Defiant Shore (Shore)
- Grass of Spring (Grass)
- Smoking Mirror (Smoke)
- Swift Path (Swift)
- Aura of Passion (Aura)
- Autumn Harvest (Autumn)
- Jolly Straw (Straw)
- Garden of Flowers (Flower)
- Dynamic scratch (Scratch)
- Dances With Mice (Dance)
- Agile Board (Agile)
- Brave Thrill (Thrill)
- Locket on a Heart (Locket)
- Brave Bat (Bat)
- Flickering Fire (Fire)
- Blank Canvas (Canvas)
- Light in the Morning (Light)
- Quiet Tome (Tome)
- Burning Fire (Fire)
- Twin Feather (Feather)
- Five Timber (Timber)
- Elegant Clock (Elegant)
- Glow of the Sun (Sun)
- Gentle Guide (Gentle)
- Magic Device (Magic)
Famous Tabaxi Names
Fkooio | Muaooa | Qyoaos |
Cloud | Fnsuia | Tiiado |
River Mist | Unaodoa | Zoapsp |
Gangera | Eirnin | Quetzalcoatl |
Zyanya | Jmasp | Joauusi |
Zewad | Ghaysoo | Dreary Caverns |
Eooaodo | Pyupas | Nmamisi |
Ailbe | Ghuopps | Piaoo |
Bright Cliffs | Awsuoa | Stormy Wild |
Coatlicue | Ciaospp | Qyiadi |
Candle | Meztli | Jusoap |
Etwasl | Imaodo | Cucukja |
Eztli | Zoouopa | Zyuiaos |
Kowooa | Dinhia | Ghaysoo |
Uruoas | Tepin | Hyiop |
Cool Tabaxi Names
These are Cool Tabaxi Names.
Xiiaos | Musing Creek | Nikimoa |
Yaotl | Noauu | Dillo |
Cafirp | Psuoaos | Helmitoma |
Majsoaps | Briki | Tepeyollotl |
Dikinol | Gale | Jmaoos |
Noauu | Binikoa | Hieooas |
Ivory | Giodo | Kuuppad |
Vaoosp | Ladop | Nimble Paws |
Wupas | Fioos | Disaka |
Gangera | Zusid | Cfad |
Vidar | Lwwaod | Xpiayoc |
Errofp | Ziasio | Leudoo |
Ewuiia | Opwud | Ipopps |
Covering Oasis | Fertile Shore | Entangling Den |
Final Words
So we hope you find Tabaxi Names in this article.
Which name have you chosen? Comment below.
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