So here we collect these collections of Kobold Names, Male and Female Kobold Names, Dnd/D&D & 5E Kobold Names, Kobold Tribe, and Clan Names also. But before jump into the names sections, let’s talk about Kobold.
Kobolds are reptilian creatures. They are often small and live in underground tunnels. They create their underground tunnels/homes. When they work together then they are dedicated workers and fierce opponents. This fictional species is featured in the Dungeons and Dragons online game. They were goblins but then they evolved to become reptilian humanoids in the further editions of the game. They are very good at building and laying out traps and preparing the ambushes.
Here are these Kobold Names, Male and Female Kobold Names, Dnd/D&D & 5E Kobold Names, Kobold Tribe and Clan Names also.
So let’s dive into it.
Kobold Names
Ghad | Zuked | Tagirgo |
Hurbo | Dutt | Hisres |
Sciy | Vrole | Vin |
Mus | Ghrol | Nuzerza |
Tahn | Tekke | Okkra |
Fasa | Vripzelk | Upa |
Vuzki | Tigno | Fugizru |
Ugna | Kles | Six |
Mus | Slebbi | Tirgeh |
Qosk | Straba | Han |
Gokbo | Kav | Lezki |
Hom | Isgrek | Eire |
Kur | Ukko | Uklu |
Tagirgo | Sara | Sar |
Hivle | Fakro | Dhod |
Lulri | Tukin | Ogle |

Female Kobold Names
Ghrohs Hazefeet | Bhraaz Leathergut | Cyuzhko Pinebasher |
Bhreldjea Stormeye | Ghrode Silentguard | Vey Cliffbough |
Oreeng Simplefang | Beh Wildcrag | Szeethriy Tuskdust |
Straba Kragmaw | Zhas Broadchest | Szas Skullsplinter |
Teggne Moonfist | Bindrehn Skullfang | Zraraz Pebblebash |
Shaiba Starbringer | Shrizsru Loneclaw | Bhray Hardbow |
Clerchah Steelrage | Kharra Covenguard | Bhraaz Leathergut |
Vruhn Tuskdust | Gozzul Brickgrip | Sniksheehl Dustcrest |
Chretho Fisthead | Klehn Mukwatcher | Bing Largerage |
Chrih Hardflare | Chritta Stoutbelt | Vres Mudhorn |
Tel Rainrage | Tega Stormcrag | Tez Ashcrest |
Zrakla Stoutmail | Thritto Hardstride | Tehs Leatherhunter |
Shrelve Graycrest | Szuglah Boulderbane | Cyehs Pinecrusher |
Dhel Keenfang | Chraz Broadgrip | Aizszon Morningbrow |
Cluglea Starcleaver | Ghizdei Goreeyes | Chrohs Boulderbreath |
Male Kobold Names
Krigan Tuskchew | Kiriad Moonstalker | Zred Brownbreaker |
Strekuc Greydust | Trozzig Clawdigger | Qhorgek Flaskcoat |
Knigdar Roughcrest | Badirk Cliffbelly | Vusz Ashchin |
Strugnek Foolflaw | Kesk Fernfeet | Gank Windrage |
Knasz Kragmark | Crod Bouldermaul | Shrund Dustbasher |
Shrekkosk Darkmane | Trubbex Steelbuckle | Chritvaur Tusktongue |
Knirk Bitterfinger | Egdux Starfall | Chibausk Leadborn |
Khec Greyscar | Aggind Greenfist | Zrokgrog Starbrow |
Shec Mukbow | Gek Flasksplinter | Vakdreg Crowspine |
Shogbraas Rainbash | Skirg Covenchest | Gumdek Grumblemaul |
Xuduk Oatrage | Krik Crowhorn | Cherkrek Broadhead |
Gic Ashbreath | Zudesk Stoutmaster | Bosz Windmaul |
Zrus Hilleye | Xak Crowbranch | Clirauc Ironsnarl |
Sheikog Brickcleaver | Clozzoc Commongut | Grenszoc Bittereye |
Snemzeex Greysnout | Azkeirg Mountainstride | Shenk Strongchest |
Xak Crowbranch | Shec Mukbow | Baggeen Flatseeker |
Dnd/D&D Kobold Names
Ekugu | Shnes | Sess |
Lehrol | Ulta | Migro |
Lulri | Ikdu | Pokri |
Fasa | Volp | Gev |
Ikrur | Mux | Dodki |
Sner | Atra | Nirk |
Nekro | Suzle | Zask |
Clay | Arpu | Vegs |
Rassa | Cdreef | Branolk |
Beartal | Ziv | Hafiza |
Ros | Fvina | Zaks |
Ctru | Suzle | Firdag |
Gid | Baggle | Greezhag |
Ilkivas | Dizkor | Breeda |
Alde | Cfreasy | Vholli |
Kobold Names 5E
Beh Wildcrag | Bhral Foolfist | Chih Platedigger |
Kiz Greenwound | Ulblahl Redbelt | Thaagnez Redcoat |
Cyeehs Ashbelly | Chrohs Boulderbreath | Cyibbuh Cragchin |
Dil Skullstalker | Teadne Brickripper | Oreh Clawfinger |
Khnomsa Largebuckle | Szoggod Boulderborn | Slezhku Raincut |
Bhreldjea Stormeye | Streal Bonetongue | Tingu Darkblood |
Dhey Foremark | Shangle Bitterfoot | Dil Skullstalker |
Gerc Windguard | Eire Rumblethorn | Torrihs Orbclaw |
Sneakgo Brownbuster | Slanszu Grassblower | Vrehl Fullbender |
Snelvi Fullchaser | Vraz Stonefeet | Zirric Barbmane |
Ghan Oatbluff | Scang Stonejaw | Khray Ashcut |
Szeksa Oatmaul | Sciy Hornbelt | Gidaz Fernhammer |
Braadorc Crowdrifter | Gal Darkbranch | Iggna Orbeyes |
Shning Coldbough | Khnugme Flatfall | Thrizdeen Tuskcrag |
Szil Roughback | Clay Darkgrip | Trisk Bloodbasher |
Kobold Tribe Names
Ikkem Skullbough | Gagia Darkchew | Kheekkisk Rivercleaver |
Chrebbai Flaskcrest | Bhresz Brickfeet | Chur Moltenhide |
Snul Barbmaw | Bhreeng Brewchewer | Knah Stonebash |
Bhresz Brickfeet | Kheekkisk Rivercleaver | Qhezdok Stoutarm |
Shonzom Boulderbluff | Khox Farblood | Qhezdok Stoutarm |
Chur Moltenhide | Knemchur Hornmaw | Ghriazzid Cliffchaser |
Veng Irongazer | Szas Flathorn | Draurk Fernfoot |
Qrid Hillcutter | Khox Farblood | Chrosz Fistmane |
Akvom Farstalker | Thraah Brickchest | Snang Skullmail |
Braasz Ashfeet | Bhritrom Heavycrag | Kauzzkog Greenstride |
Khox Farblood | Amszas Hillfall | Throttom Sharpback |
Krend Graytongue | Snang Skullmail | Qrorgreeg Fistgrog |
Ozsang Leatherborn | Izzsel Moonstalker | Skezzex Cliffbash |
Funny Kobold Names
Fazzi | Snuplo | Zuysu |
Opaud | Islok | Cretyila |
Iipaps | Koiaos | Vuksa |
Binzi | Idrol | Batfal |
Golba | Pidd | Halema |
Dolika | Saqlain | Pokri |
Hlops | Uoids | Ferital |
Kur | Omudh | Ghiop |
Asifa | Dresd | Frkaad |
Cxarita | Hurbo | Uljjo |
Islok | Enasi | Ciskl |
Ashiq | Gmsyai | Tlajd |
Ghiop | Efaniy | Ikavani |
Vuzki | Cxasal | Nuaood |
Cute Kobold Names
Cmuyus | Sardi | Brwo |
Juwioas | Struz | Bicourt |
Eopod | Kmaosij | Runken |
Vholli | Xuyid | Soodrt |
Fraha | Isku | Sazvin |
Tar | Iblesa | Pidd |
Renoldra | Roeiisd | Gorsar |
Eiwoos | Fuzg | Bikim |
Akila | Fansika | Tlajd |
Kav | Ivkonda | Mrsosdo |
Cukabi | Sarn | Omudh |
Druckjal | Aisi | Ferdi |
Puidis | Nezka | Ivani |
Fangi | Jakai | Fatinra |
Nuaood | Ileoni | Hor |
Kobold Clan Names
Khorzok Hardmaster | Ukgrusk Darkchewer | Chroged Foolsplinter |
Khorzok Shattergut | Khimgik Pinedrifter | Chronk Hardfeet |
Chreirk Moonbrand | Kheikic Fistchest | Khorzok Hardmaster |
Shezred Barbedgut | Sheng Rainbow | Shezred Barbedgut |
Chrigbrag Covenripper | Kisk Lonedrifter | Qorc Roughgrog |
Clorgeng Palebluff | Zros Ironeyes | Tragnurg Winddrifter |
Qhug Hardmark | Kirkid Roughbasher | Trimkung Grumblebash |
Grobbog Bonehunter | Uzzask Rumblethorn | Drekik Stonefall |
Chrurg Steelbranch | Trilgraid Fullfist | Khorzok Shattergut |
Zrusz Heavycrusher | Qhog Mudcoat | Zurk Wildbender |
Qruzesk Mukspine | Zros Hillcut | Tragnurg Winddrifter |
Qobbic Mudchew | Ghrugded Morningspine | Strug Mukscar |
Tragnurg Winddrifter | Ghrugded Morningspine | Sheeddeisk Windmark |
Final Words
So we hope you find Kobold Names in this article.
Which name have you chosen? Comment below.
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