Kobold Names: 840 Cool Names For Kobold

So here we collect these collections of Kobold Names, Male and Female Kobold Names, Dnd/D&D & 5E Kobold Names, Kobold Tribe, and Clan Names also. But before jump into the names sections, let’s talk about Kobold.

Kobolds are reptilian creatures. They are often small and live in underground tunnels. They create their underground tunnels/homes. When they work together then they are dedicated workers and fierce opponents. This fictional species is featured in the Dungeons and Dragons online game. They were goblins but then they evolved to become reptilian humanoids in the further editions of the game. They are very good at building and laying out traps and preparing the ambushes.

Here are these Kobold Names, Male and Female Kobold Names,  Dnd/D&D & 5E Kobold Names, Kobold Tribe and Clan Names also.

So let’s dive into it.

Kobold Names

TahnTekke Okkra
Gokbo KavLezki

Kobold Names

Female Kobold Names

Ghrohs HazefeetBhraaz LeathergutCyuzhko Pinebasher
Bhreldjea StormeyeGhrode SilentguardVey Cliffbough
Oreeng Simplefang Beh WildcragSzeethriy Tuskdust
Straba KragmawZhas BroadchestSzas Skullsplinter
Teggne MoonfistBindrehn SkullfangZraraz Pebblebash
Shaiba StarbringerShrizsru LoneclawBhray Hardbow
Clerchah SteelrageKharra CovenguardBhraaz Leathergut
Vruhn TuskdustGozzul BrickgripSniksheehl Dustcrest
Chretho FistheadKlehn MukwatcherBing Largerage
Chrih HardflareChritta StoutbeltVres Mudhorn
Tel RainrageTega StormcragTez Ashcrest
Zrakla StoutmailThritto HardstrideTehs Leatherhunter
Shrelve GraycrestSzuglah Boulderbane Cyehs Pinecrusher
Dhel KeenfangChraz BroadgripAizszon Morningbrow
Cluglea StarcleaverGhizdei GoreeyesChrohs Boulderbreath
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Male Kobold Names

Krigan TuskchewKiriad MoonstalkerZred Brownbreaker
Strekuc GreydustTrozzig ClawdiggerQhorgek Flaskcoat
Knigdar RoughcrestBadirk CliffbellyVusz Ashchin
Strugnek FoolflawKesk FernfeetGank Windrage
Knasz KragmarkCrod BouldermaulShrund Dustbasher
Shrekkosk DarkmaneTrubbex SteelbuckleChritvaur Tusktongue
Knirk BitterfingerEgdux StarfallChibausk Leadborn
Khec GreyscarAggind GreenfistZrokgrog Starbrow
Shec MukbowGek FlasksplinterVakdreg Crowspine
Shogbraas RainbashSkirg CovenchestGumdek Grumblemaul
Xuduk OatrageKrik CrowhornCherkrek Broadhead
Gic AshbreathZudesk StoutmasterBosz Windmaul
Zrus HilleyeXak Crowbranch Clirauc Ironsnarl
Sheikog BrickcleaverClozzoc CommongutGrenszoc Bittereye
Snemzeex GreysnoutAzkeirg MountainstrideShenk Strongchest
Xak CrowbranchShec MukbowBaggeen Flatseeker

Dnd/D&D Kobold Names

LulriIkdu Pokri
Nekro SuzleZask
RassaCdreef Branolk
RosFvina Zaks
Ctru SuzleFirdag
GidBaggle Greezhag
Ilkivas DizkorBreeda
AldeCfreasy Vholli

Kobold Names 5E

Beh WildcragBhral Foolfist Chih Platedigger
Kiz GreenwoundUlblahl RedbeltThaagnez Redcoat
Cyeehs Ashbelly Chrohs BoulderbreathCyibbuh Cragchin
Dil SkullstalkerTeadne BrickripperOreh Clawfinger
Khnomsa LargebuckleSzoggod BoulderbornSlezhku Raincut
Bhreldjea StormeyeStreal Bonetongue Tingu Darkblood
Dhey Foremark Shangle BitterfootDil Skullstalker
Gerc WindguardEire RumblethornTorrihs Orbclaw
Sneakgo BrownbusterSlanszu GrassblowerVrehl Fullbender
Snelvi FullchaserVraz Stonefeet Zirric Barbmane
Ghan Oatbluff Scang StonejawKhray Ashcut
Szeksa Oatmaul Sciy HornbeltGidaz Fernhammer
Braadorc CrowdrifterGal Darkbranch Iggna Orbeyes
Shning Coldbough Khnugme FlatfallThrizdeen Tuskcrag
Szil RoughbackClay Darkgrip Trisk Bloodbasher
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Kobold Tribe Names

Ikkem SkullboughGagia Darkchew Kheekkisk Rivercleaver
Chrebbai FlaskcrestBhresz BrickfeetChur Moltenhide
Snul BarbmawBhreeng BrewchewerKnah Stonebash
Bhresz BrickfeetKheekkisk RivercleaverQhezdok Stoutarm
Shonzom Boulderbluff Khox FarbloodQhezdok Stoutarm
Chur MoltenhideKnemchur HornmawGhriazzid Cliffchaser
Veng IrongazerSzas FlathornDraurk Fernfoot
Qrid HillcutterKhox Farblood Chrosz Fistmane
Akvom FarstalkerThraah BrickchestSnang Skullmail
Braasz AshfeetBhritrom HeavycragKauzzkog Greenstride
Khox FarbloodAmszas Hillfall Throttom Sharpback
Krend GraytongueSnang SkullmailQrorgreeg Fistgrog
Ozsang LeatherbornIzzsel MoonstalkerSkezzex Cliffbash

Funny Kobold Names

Fazzi Snuplo Zuysu
Opaud Islok Cretyila
Iipaps Koiaos Vuksa
Binzi IdrolBatfal
DolikaSaqlain Pokri
Hlops Uoids Ferital
KurOmudh Ghiop
Asifa Dresd Frkaad
Islok EnasiCiskl
AshiqGmsyai Tlajd
Ghiop Efaniy Ikavani
VuzkiCxasal Nuaood

Cute Kobold Names

Cmuyus Sardi Brwo
Juwioas StruzBicourt
Eopod Kmaosij Runken
VholliXuyid Soodrt
FrahaIsku Sazvin
TarIblesa Pidd
Renoldra Roeiisd Gorsar
Eiwoos Fuzg Bikim
Akila Fansika Tlajd
KavIvkonda Mrsosdo
Cukabi SarnOmudh
DruckjalAisi Ferdi
Puidis NezkaIvani
Fangi Jakai Fatinra
Nuaood Ileoni Hor

Kobold Clan Names

Khorzok HardmasterUkgrusk DarkchewerChroged Foolsplinter
Khorzok Shattergut Khimgik Pinedrifter Chronk Hardfeet
Chreirk MoonbrandKheikic Fistchest Khorzok Hardmaster
Shezred Barbedgut Sheng Rainbow Shezred Barbedgut
Chrigbrag CovenripperKisk LonedrifterQorc Roughgrog
Clorgeng Palebluff Zros Ironeyes Tragnurg Winddrifter
Qhug HardmarkKirkid Roughbasher Trimkung Grumblebash
Grobbog BonehunterUzzask RumblethornDrekik Stonefall
Chrurg Steelbranch Trilgraid Fullfist Khorzok Shattergut
Zrusz Heavycrusher Qhog Mudcoat Zurk Wildbender
Qruzesk Mukspine Zros Hillcut Tragnurg Winddrifter
Qobbic MudchewGhrugded MorningspineStrug Mukscar
Tragnurg Winddrifter Ghrugded MorningspineSheeddeisk Windmark
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Final Words

So we hope you find Kobold Names in this article.

Which name have you chosen? Comment below.

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