Are you looking for Nightborne Names? Then you are in the right place because here we collect these collections of Male & Female Nightborne Names, Wow Nightborne Names, and many more. But before jump into the names sections, let’s talk about Nightborne.
Nightborne is a race of night elves. They have separated from the world over 10,000 years ago and now Suramar is their residence. They evolved into versions of night elves through the power of the Nightwell and tied more to arcane energies. They have unique physical characteristics. Nightborne is also known as Shal’dorei. They are a powerful race of elves and they strongly dependent on Nightwell Power.
So here are these collections of Male & Female Nightborne Names, Wow Nightborne Names, Nightborne Last Names, Nightborne Warlock Names, and many more.
So let’s dive into it.
Nightborne Names
Phosur Netus | Ellore Gelle | Agorn Stormtree |
Aceare Tenthan | Cytrioth Landobith | Arai Donall |
Baeillan Mageflare | Aphu Thedul | Alives Lebul |
Kysrenaus Ketur | Nytaerian Windoak | Aethindrul Fennen |
Eerlac Udall | Iethal Gubal | Ellomon Evenspyre |
Corlo Ropholl | Dalux Filsell | Fano Nellinteis |
Kerion Stillspyre | Tudolgryl Lushasull | Felelar Farmane |
Mulle Vinur | Aphinna Dultre | Viasdo Katustrur |
Nargia Elsys | Ainy Vocer | Alayana Staroak |
Riacteu Uldru | Maucath Kamme | Elydrieth Seafeather |
Drothruc Kolleltri | Fonthill Killasi | Terrilthuc Emirrull |
Fole Femman | Rhylya Voidrage | Celsu Nestrer |
Suesditteu Lina | Sugrir Etho | Astrolint Ossoldras |
Dolean Strongsong | Ciria Licath | Furlaurn Dattas |
Kylta Lintha | Galaenel Nightsword | Fussiare Toremas |
Alletaure Thoshos | Moshaunt Didrun | Dizu Valtrie |
Lilayenda Greenspear | Uerju Korgunn | Eces Ucall |
Glacix Gunolsonn | Welein Morrowblood | Irothrunt Gando |
Female Nightborne Names
Kedreath Evenlance | Thwiathi Dundill | Cagishuth Garririn |
Mergath Kannar | Valdor Forestbow | Thesi Rucul |
Ovlarn Kergar | Glelmyx Gifann | Baririel Starlance |
Galfont Acith | Mycix Eltrolar | Tunnu Voturell |
Endiir Sunbreath | Lausdalla Sator | Glethrul Miltyn |
Aelmuirn Vuciell | Shedriel Stonehelm | Gelu Vonnei |
Dyzi Tollonn | Cirge Seltras | Hadras Starswift |
Loltys Gephun | Mytryr Sistrevill | Carluint Tipher |
Malaea Rapidmoon | Dyphai Nollein | Phidugal Vemmas |
Rahsen Silverveil | Thacte Kadirqil | Kervu Mistru |
Embri Nuton | Jorac Murgus | Duldri Sunshot |
Cindrunt Macontyn | Lalvuirn Thorath | Kolta Funai |
Naistont Tosuth | Domes Ramynn | Noesh Lightdepth |
Daennirdrall Musathar | Glurlur Inael | Telene Nobath |
Irma Suntree | Kauloi Fentuldris | Rellon Afinn |
Erly Dulana | Ilylean Ambershot | Gevarn Kendur |
Wow Nightborne Names
Theltu Molliel | Natraeu Raboll | Asodren Starfeather |
Dyarlo Fidru | Veni Lante | Darlas Guvudie |
Sheraei Darkcaller | Gunill Ethirginn | Varent Rusull |
Glusuth Vamoth | Dar’leron Goldenflight | Scuni Madrin |
Dralthithaus Obir | Cudrent Tidri | Jaelysia Rainshot |
Felethu Sindeir | Drocau Mantha | Neethiell Erineill |
Yatith Magebreath | Fadrix Guphulleu | Tace Luldrirqes |
Lasria Nellith | Domes Ramynn | Liladaen Bluewind |
Roctu Remmieth | Dredralith Dashill | Lonthis Rosereaver |
Gralvul Lullifu | Rinulla Nalor | Diga Karies |
Volonis Shadelight | Nilthu Nasall | Susry Thoshu |
Fosda Kucair | Marius Faroak | Dallildreas Etol |
Tambra Nundys | Verilfaunt Fammyth | Fautridru Rargunn |
Martas Sagestrike | Erlau Summith | Jegrac Kader |
Eshull Duldrul | Queltheol Lightpost | Kaunnolli Sammin |
Rargu Eba | Draazhen Rightreaver | Ondax Modrol |
Nightborne Last Names
Vithon | Forlaes | Uphes |
Udror | Seashade | Nemel |
Lonudre | Stoneswift | Voldre |
Kandollel | Bluefire | Fevotull |
Tutteus | Melsos | Nemmill |
Dufes | Shieldwind | Fitosull |
Sorgun | Luldrirqes | Norgun |
Mador | Ontes | Shieldshot |
Murgus | Orgae | Duergu |
Valtrie | Shadowrage | Donall |
Dottoth | Seashade | Fuldreunn |
Nelsa | Estrilta | Sageshade |
Gemenn | Molti | Trueoak |
Senudru | Sinthos | Saltenn |
Thynaru | Silvercaller | Thiphithaell |
Elisande | Mufessin | Saphus |
Moonleaf | Gemyth | Thununthonn |
Roreltal | Thelamai | Todroll |
Golsai | Lutadror | Dusklance |
Lante | Alses | Elsys |
Diltras | Filsell | Gumir |
Idril | Thisil | Thunderwing |
Male Nightborne Names
Randarvent Gemeth | Triayell Dawnmane | Lumi Ummin |
Amormar Leafsky | Grudiant Rettar | Farjando Roltrae |
Jegoi Asunn | Ferval Rellosan | Ovo Ontiltrath |
Elerith Stormwater | Dardaeus Fani | Kudell Rammill |
Eyleass Moonswift | Kasri Sastriril | Rombru Thucin |
Grivos Madre | Rydlaess Stillblade | Filsu Dolse |
Mervel Vonynn | Elylass Nightmight | Ordrint Dorgeninn |
Sculsi Iltreir | Rusi Telser | Yldon Greenblade |
Osdae Vasher | Grotrolla Rurgil | Qaelgrannic Lushes |
Sibinde Rothu | Alalis Blackluck | Tarai Dadres |
Scalte Ophu | Fevor Astrutel | Gerdos Darkthorn |
Scirgu Rebann | Javil Guldrus | Dilgratill Loltoll |
Sactau Rodrin | Jeesh Goldpower | Undi Ibere |
Fondront Fotter | Nundi Kiren | Silrya Treeweaver |
Fieleu Motas | Jegoi Asunn | Engorn Skyswift |
Nightborne Warlock Names
Scusdi Thedirqi | Aderris Greybeard | Lythrir Viltrill |
Ilylean Ambershot | Scave Kully | Aelneda Dayfury |
Uthrire Keltas | Dordox Laphunn | Marius Faroak |
Mycix Eltrolar | Octaf Frosttrapper | Todra Melar |
Galaenel Nightsword | Mureu Lasoth | Marthel Trueband |
Scasre Suras | Kivia Goldsun | Meordri Esi |
Zaevia Oddreaver | Thwiethi Istrireis | Elylass Nightmight |
Vestirryl Nephol | Elyrin Boldsign | Thywen Darkbow |
Norea Rosedream | Lirieth Vittor | Unna Dolu |
Jorin Blackplunder | Onloll Avushos | Winrun Runekind |
Thande Ultrinn | Narinara Dawnblood | Vilure Medrus |
Alamren Sweetgift | Velsa Nelluber | Celyn Dusksign |
Tylvir Vicin | Filenn Swiftpower | Siltu Tinnull |
Bolneth Skyclouds | Usoll Annil | Darla Flaresun |
Belole Grimfluke | Thilo Gannu | Zathis Mirthspirit |
Tirdran Kustro | Helris Moonspirit | Weaeth Oddburst |
Funny Nightborne Names
Krelon Firesun | Anssapha Vulleth | Vaklok Skullash |
Weanis Strongtrail | Zalania Wildspell | Lalseu Rafo |
Vupha Lulso | Ishi Redspark | Maean Twinhide |
Novili Strongspark | Tyrol Mithun | Nodon Goldshade |
Qirlus Fusi | Tarea Dualheart | Scomeu Thisur |
Agorn Stormtree | Avath Enthil | Alann Solarray |
Yrjan Mommu | Fellad Lightshadow | Cirge Seltras |
Meaen Leanshield | Tieubuphy Tommunn | Nondo Edan |
Rahsen Silverveil | Thyaca Ummais | Lirise Palepride |
Nonnobi Niltro | Ledril Wildbell | Sova Lemmall |
Sylana Velvetfall | Alvont Alsu | Solden Cinderpoem |
Kocith Ulufar | Thiza Gathel | Jeesh Goldpower |
Naistont Tosuth | Elenn Swiftrest | Ilylora Leafrage |
Scomeu Thisur | Tariel Blackspear | Azine Wildmind |
Usamo Mililso | Noviwae Flameray | Myllo Suda |
Cergi Sabi | Kelirion Blackbinder | Salrin Cindercloud |
Good Nightborne Names
Salis Dualforce | Lieuzimin Minna | Norjia Sophen |
Lilvyc Sedor | Phocere Iphen | Lorlina Bronzefold |
Golvyre Iliru | Nundi Kiren | Keerin Wildpost |
Gralvul Lullifu | Fanotus Greatpath | Arai Donall |
Malmas Selsutta | Zaedana Flamevein | Kolgric Furell |
Dano Vuttael | Locint Gadrir | Bitsen Downvale |
Dithys Irqulsull | Yarlo Mubell | Kirdran Eltro |
Rethru Ettil | Weaeth Oddburst | Thizuth Kiviphill |
Ogeia Acutta | Endiir Sunbreath | Kicere Lubas |
Tothas Rightsinger | Ilvute Gusen | Felelar Farmane |
Marlol Kular | Cuniro Vesath | Velanna Highpost |
Lythrir Viltrill | Thwoseia Onte | Thaco Lunnor |
Final Words
So we hope you find Nightborne Names from this article.
Which name have you chosen? Comment below.
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