1200+ Nightborne Names [2024]

Are you looking for Nightborne Names? Then you are in the right place because here we collect these collections of Male & Female Nightborne Names, Wow Nightborne Names, and many more. But before jump into the names sections, let’s talk about Nightborne.

Nightborne is a race of night elves. They have separated from the world over 10,000 years ago and now Suramar is their residence. They evolved into versions of night elves through the power of the Nightwell and tied more to arcane energies. They have unique physical characteristics. Nightborne is also known as Shal’dorei. They are a powerful race of elves and they strongly dependent on Nightwell Power.

So here are these collections of Male & Female Nightborne Names, Wow Nightborne Names, Nightborne Last Names, Nightborne Warlock Names, and many more.

So let’s dive into it.

Nightborne Names

Phosur NetusEllore GelleAgorn Stormtree
Aceare TenthanCytrioth LandobithArai Donall
Baeillan MageflareAphu ThedulAlives Lebul
Kysrenaus KeturNytaerian WindoakAethindrul Fennen
Eerlac UdallIethal GubalEllomon Evenspyre
Corlo RophollDalux FilsellFano Nellinteis
Kerion StillspyreTudolgryl LushasullFelelar Farmane
Mulle VinurAphinna DultreViasdo Katustrur
Nargia ElsysAiny VocerAlayana Staroak
Riacteu UldruMaucath KammeElydrieth Seafeather
Drothruc KolleltriFonthill KillasiTerrilthuc Emirrull
Fole FemmanRhylya VoidrageCelsu Nestrer
Suesditteu LinaSugrir EthoAstrolint Ossoldras
Dolean Strongsong Ciria LicathFurlaurn Dattas
Kylta LinthaGalaenel NightswordFussiare Toremas
Alletaure ThoshosMoshaunt DidrunDizu Valtrie
Lilayenda GreenspearUerju KorgunnEces Ucall
Glacix GunolsonnWelein MorrowbloodIrothrunt Gando

Female Nightborne Names

Kedreath EvenlanceThwiathi DundillCagishuth Garririn
Mergath KannarValdor Forestbow Thesi Rucul
Ovlarn KergarGlelmyx GifannBaririel Starlance
Galfont AcithMycix EltrolarTunnu Voturell
Endiir SunbreathLausdalla SatorGlethrul Miltyn
Aelmuirn VuciellShedriel StonehelmGelu Vonnei
Dyzi TollonnCirge SeltrasHadras Starswift
Loltys GephunMytryr SistrevillCarluint Tipher
Malaea RapidmoonDyphai NolleinPhidugal Vemmas
Rahsen SilverveilThacte KadirqilKervu Mistru
Embri NutonJorac MurgusDuldri Sunshot
Cindrunt MacontynLalvuirn ThorathKolta Funai
Naistont TosuthDomes RamynnNoesh Lightdepth
Daennirdrall MusatharGlurlur InaelTelene Nobath
Irma Suntree Kauloi FentuldrisRellon Afinn
Erly DulanaIlylean AmbershotGevarn Kendur
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Wow Nightborne Names

Theltu MollielNatraeu RabollAsodren Starfeather
Dyarlo FidruVeni LanteDarlas Guvudie
Sheraei DarkcallerGunill EthirginnVarent Rusull
Glusuth VamothDar’leron GoldenflightScuni Madrin
Dralthithaus ObirCudrent TidriJaelysia Rainshot
Felethu SindeirDrocau ManthaNeethiell Erineill
Yatith MagebreathFadrix GuphulleuTace Luldrirqes
Lasria NellithDomes RamynnLiladaen Bluewind
Roctu RemmiethDredralith DashillLonthis Rosereaver
Gralvul LullifuRinulla NalorDiga Karies
Volonis ShadelightNilthu NasallSusry Thoshu
Fosda KucairMarius FaroakDallildreas Etol
Tambra NundysVerilfaunt FammythFautridru Rargunn
Martas SagestrikeErlau SummithJegrac Kader
Eshull DuldrulQueltheol LightpostKaunnolli Sammin
Rargu EbaDraazhen RightreaverOndax Modrol

Nightborne Last Names

Moonleaf GemythThununthonn

Male Nightborne Names

Randarvent GemethTriayell DawnmaneLumi Ummin
Amormar Leafsky Grudiant RettarFarjando Roltrae
Jegoi AsunnFerval RellosanOvo Ontiltrath
Elerith StormwaterDardaeus FaniKudell Rammill
Eyleass MoonswiftKasri SastririlRombru Thucin
Grivos MadreRydlaess StillbladeFilsu Dolse
Mervel VonynnElylass NightmightOrdrint Dorgeninn
Sculsi IltreirRusi TelserYldon Greenblade
Osdae VasherGrotrolla RurgilQaelgrannic Lushes
Sibinde RothuAlalis BlackluckTarai Dadres
Scalte OphuFevor AstrutelGerdos Darkthorn
Scirgu RebannJavil GuldrusDilgratill Loltoll
Sactau RodrinJeesh GoldpowerUndi Ibere
Fondront FotterNundi KirenSilrya Treeweaver
Fieleu MotasJegoi AsunnEngorn Skyswift
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Nightborne Warlock Names

Scusdi ThedirqiAderris GreybeardLythrir Viltrill
Ilylean AmbershotScave KullyAelneda Dayfury
Uthrire KeltasDordox LaphunnMarius Faroak
Mycix EltrolarOctaf FrosttrapperTodra Melar
Galaenel NightswordMureu LasothMarthel Trueband
Scasre SurasKivia GoldsunMeordri Esi
Zaevia OddreaverThwiethi IstrireisElylass Nightmight
Vestirryl NepholElyrin BoldsignThywen Darkbow
Norea RosedreamLirieth VittorUnna Dolu
Jorin BlackplunderOnloll AvushosWinrun Runekind
Thande UltrinnNarinara DawnbloodVilure Medrus
Alamren Sweetgift Velsa NelluberCelyn Dusksign
Tylvir VicinFilenn Swiftpower Siltu Tinnull
Bolneth SkycloudsUsoll AnnilDarla Flaresun
Belole Grimfluke Thilo GannuZathis Mirthspirit
Tirdran KustroHelris MoonspiritWeaeth Oddburst

Funny Nightborne Names

Krelon FiresunAnssapha VullethVaklok Skullash
Weanis StrongtrailZalania WildspellLalseu Rafo
Vupha LulsoIshi RedsparkMaean Twinhide
Novili StrongsparkTyrol MithunNodon Goldshade
Qirlus FusiTarea Dualheart Scomeu Thisur
Agorn StormtreeAvath EnthilAlann Solarray
Yrjan MommuFellad LightshadowCirge Seltras
Meaen LeanshieldTieubuphy TommunnNondo Edan
Rahsen SilverveilThyaca UmmaisLirise Palepride
Nonnobi NiltroLedril WildbellSova Lemmall
Sylana VelvetfallAlvont AlsuSolden Cinderpoem
Kocith UlufarThiza GathelJeesh Goldpower
Naistont TosuthElenn SwiftrestIlylora Leafrage
Scomeu ThisurTariel BlackspearAzine Wildmind
Usamo MililsoNoviwae FlamerayMyllo Suda
Cergi SabiKelirion BlackbinderSalrin Cindercloud

Good Nightborne Names

Salis Dualforce Lieuzimin MinnaNorjia Sophen
Lilvyc SedorPhocere IphenLorlina Bronzefold
Golvyre IliruNundi KirenKeerin Wildpost
Gralvul LullifuFanotus GreatpathArai Donall
Malmas SelsuttaZaedana Flamevein Kolgric Furell
Dano VuttaelLocint GadrirBitsen Downvale
Dithys IrqulsullYarlo MubellKirdran Eltro
Rethru EttilWeaeth OddburstThizuth Kiviphill
Ogeia AcuttaEndiir SunbreathKicere Lubas
Tothas RightsingerIlvute GusenFelelar Farmane
Marlol KularCuniro VesathVelanna Highpost
Lythrir ViltrillThwoseia OnteThaco Lunnor
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Final Words

So we hope you find Nightborne Names from this article.

Which name have you chosen? Comment below.

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